Wednesday, November 27, 2019

War And Peace By Leo Tolstoy Essays - French Invasion Of Russia

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy Then novel War and Peace was written by a famous Russian author Leo Tolstoy in 1865. The novel describes the war with Napoleon in which many countries were involved such as Russia, Austrian, Prussia, Spain, Sweden, and Britain. The novel mainly focuses on Russia. It reflects the different views and participation in the war of Russian aristocracy and peasants and also shows Tolstoys negative viewpoint on the war. Showing the war, Tolstoy describes Napoleons attack on Russia, the battle of Borodino, the slow retrieval of the Russian army, the conquest of Moscow by Napoleon, the fire in Moscow, and the retrieval of Napoleons army during a deadly winter. Naopleon had to retrieve from Russia under attacks by Russian peasants and horsemen on those who fell behind. His army also sufferes from cold and hunger, since the Russians destroyed all food supplies. The takeover of Moscow by Napoleon proved to be useless, and in the long run, destroyed a large part of his army. Alongside with these historical events, Tolstoy describes the different classes of Russian society in terms of their participation in the war and what kind of an impact war had on their lives. In the beginning of the novel, the Russian aristocratic class, which was in the czars circle, wanted Russia to participate in the war. They wanted a quick victory and pride for the Russian nobility. They did not anticipate that the war would destroy homes, agriculture, and take many Russian lives. This class is shown in Anna Pavlova Sharers salon, with its upper class aristocracy, who talk only in French, viewing the Russian language as uncivilized and useful only for peasants. They adopted French culture and wear French style clothing, and at the same time they want to fight Napoleon. However, the majority of this class doesnt want to participate themselves in the war, but want to win the war with the hands of the peasants. These aristocrats, despite their high education and power, will do not hing to help win the war. They live like parasites on the body of Russias society. This is how Tolstoy describes this class in general, but he also depicts two representatives of this upper class, Andrew Bolkonsky and Pierre Bisuhov, who were the more intellectual ones, and whose lives and views of war and life changed as the result of the war. Andrew was interested in a military career, and wasnt completely satisfied with the czar, while Pierre wasted his life on alcohol his everyday activity. However, they fall into the center of military activities during the war; Andrew was fatally wounded, while Pierre witnesses Moscow burning and innocent people, women, and children dying from hunger. They open up simple, but important truths. They experience the rough times that peasants go through and begin to feel a unity with the nation. They start to appreciate basic things that they never even thought of before, such as food, peace, and love. Depicting the Rostov family, who were also wealthy nobles, but were not in the czars circle and lived in rural parts of Russia, Tolstoy showed a typical Russian family who were devoted to their country and Russian traditions. All of Tolstoys sympathy is on their side and he presents them in a positive way. They sing Russian folklore, which the higher aristocrats would not dream of doing. Depicting this class, Tolstoy describes simple and eternal problems such as birth, love, forgiveness, and death. War hurt these people the most. They lost everything: hoses, livestock, and serfs. The loss of their serfs was very hard to come by, since they became very close to them. The women from this class served in hospitals and became nurses, like Natasha Rostova did, or hid wounded soldiers in their house from the French army. Men from this class organized their own little armies of peasants and fought with guerilla warfare when the French army was retreating, as captain Dolohov did. According t o Tolstoy, these people played a bigger role in war and were more devoted to their nation than the aristocratic class in the czars circle. According to Tolstoy, the main national characteristics are in Russian peasants. He shows this through these people, who hate

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Probability of Rolling a Yahtzee

The Probability of Rolling a Yahtzee Yahtzee is a dice game involving a combination of chance and strategy. A player begins their turn by rolling five dice. After this roll, the player may decide to re-roll any number of the dice. At most, there are a total of three rolls for each turn. Following these three rolls, the result of the dice is entered onto a score sheet. This score sheet contains different categories, such as a full house or large straight.  Each of the categories is satisfied with different combinations of dice. The most difficult category to fill-in is that of a Yahtzee. A Yahtzee occurs when a player rolls five of the same number. Just how unlikely is a Yahtzee? This is a problem that is much more complicated than finding probabilities for two or even three dice. The main reason is that there are many ways to obtain five matching dice during three rolls. We can calculate the probability of rolling a Yahtzee by using the combinatorics formula for combinations, and by breaking the problem into several mutually exclusive cases. One Roll The easiest case to consider is obtaining a Yahtzee immediately on the first roll. We will first look at the probability of rolling a particular Yahtzee of five twos, and then easily extend this to the probability of any Yahtzee. The probability of rolling a two is 1/6, and the outcome of each die is independent of the rest. Thus the probability of rolling five twos is (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) 1/7776. The probability of rolling five of a kind of any other number is also 1/7776. Since there are a total of six different numbers on a die, we multiply the above probability by 6. This means that the probability of a Yahtzee on the first roll is 6 x 1/7776 1/1296 0.08 percent. Two Rolls If we roll anything other than five of a kind of the first roll, we will have to re-roll some of our dice to try to get a Yahtzee. Suppose that our first roll has four of a kind. we would re-roll the one die that doesn’t match and then get a Yahtzee on this second roll. The probability of rolling a total of five twos in this way is found as follows: On the first roll, we have four twos. Since there is a probability 1/6 of rolling a two, and 5/6 of not rolling a two, we multiply (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (1/6) x (5/6) 5/7776.Any of the five dice rolled could be the non-two. We use our combination formula for C(5, 1) 5 to count how many ways we can roll four twos and something that is not a two.We multiply and see that the probability of rolling exactly four twos on the first roll is 25/7776.On the second roll, we need to calculate the probability of rolling one two. This is 1/6. Thus the probability of rolling a Yahtzee of twos in the above way is (25/7776) x (1/6) 25/46656. To find the probability of rolling any Yahtzee in this way is found by multiplying the above probability by 6 because there are six different numbers on a die. This gives a probability of 6 x 25/46656 0.32 percent. But this is not the only way to roll a Yahtzee with two rolls. All of the following probabilities are found in much the same way as above: We could roll three of a kind, and then two dice that match on our second roll. The probability of this is 6 x C(5 ,3) x (25/7776) x (1/36) 0.54 percent.We could roll a matching pair, and on our second roll three dice that match. The probability of this is 6 x C(5, 2) x (100/7776) x (1/216) 0.36 percent.We could roll five different dice, save one die from our first roll, then roll four dice that match on the second roll. The probability of this is (6!/7776) x (1/1296) 0.01 percent. The above cases are mutually exclusive. This means that to calculate the probability of rolling a Yahtzee in two rolls, we add the above probabilities together and we have is approximately 1.23 percent. Three Rolls For the most complicated situation yet, we will now examine the case where we use all three of our rolls to obtain a Yahtzee. We could do this in several ways and must account for all of them. The probabilities of these possibilities are calculated below: The probability of rolling four of a kind, then nothing, then matching the last die on the last roll is 6 x C(5, 4) x (5/7776) x (5/6) x (1/6) 0.27 percent.The probability of rolling three of a kind, then nothing, then matching with the correct pair on the last roll is 6 x C(5, 3) x (25/7776) x (25/36) x (1/36) 0.37 percent.The probability of rolling a matching pair, then nothing, then matching with the correct three of a kind on the third roll is 6 x C(5, 2) x (100/7776) x (125/216) x (1/216) 0.21 percent.The probability of rolling a single die, then nothing matching this, then matching with the correct four of a kind on the third roll is (6!/7776) x (625/1296) x (1/1296) 0.003 percent.The probability of rolling three of a kind, matching an additional die on the next roll, followed by matching the fifth die on the third roll is 6 x C(5, 3) x (25/7776) x C(2, 1) x (5/36) x (1/6) 0.89 percent.The probability of rolling a pair, matching an additional pair on the next roll, followe d by matching the fifth die on the third roll is 6 x C(5, 2) x (100/7776) x C(3, 2) x (5/216) x (1/6) 0.89 percent. The probability of rolling a pair, matching an additional die on the next roll, followed by matching the last two dice on the third roll is 6 x C(5, 2) x (100/7776) x C(3, 1) x (25/216) x (1/36) 0.74 percent.The probability of rolling one of a kind, another die to match it on the second roll, and then a three of a kind on the third roll is (6!/7776) x C(4, 1) x (100/1296) x (1/216) 0.01 percent.The probability of rolling one of a kind, a three of a kind to match on the second roll, followed by a match on the third roll is (6!/7776) x C(4, 3) x (5/1296) x (1/6) 0.02 percent.The probability of rolling one of a kind, a pair to match it on the second roll, and then another pair to match on the third roll is (6!/7776) x C(4, 2) x (25/1296) x (1/36) 0.03 percent. We add all of the above probabilities together to determine the probability of rolling a Yahtzee in three rolls of the dice. This probability is 3.43 percent. Total Probability The probability of a Yahtzee in one roll is 0.08 percent, the probability of a Yahtzee in two rolls is 1.23 percent and the probability of a Yahtzee in three rolls is 3.43 percent. Since each of these are mutually exclusive, we add the probabilities together. This means that the probability of obtaining a Yahtzee in a given turn is approximately 4.74 percent. To put this into perspective, since 1/21 is approximately 4.74 percent, by chance alone a player should expect a Yahtzee once every 21 turns. In practice, it may take longer as an initial pair may be discarded to roll for something else, such as a straight.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Continuity and Crisis Management Essay

Business Continuity and Crisis Management - Essay Example In the course of providing services to their customers there exists a probability of certain disruptions that might impact them to such an extent that they might not be able to serve their customers. It is for this reason that organisations undertake functions for prevention of disruptions, try to stay prepared, undertake risk management, crisis management, recovery processes and emergency responses. They also decide on processes that can ensure speedy resumption of business and manage resources for this purpose based on their understanding of their business environment. These functions serve as the organisation’s protection from future predicaments. Efficiency and effectiveness is achieved through the integration of these functions (Shaw, n.d.). There are several factors that affect business continuity namely networking reliability, data availability, scalability and availability of operating systems, application availability and reliability of server hardware. It is imperati ve for a business to continuously operate, ensure data availability at all times and display agility in accessing the data. The advancement in information technology has made it necessary to achieve business continuity on the basis of ‘continuous computing’ technologies. This is the reason that Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Crisis Management has become an integral part of the information system of an organisation (Nijaz & Moon, 2009). Most businesses do not prepare for unexpected breakdowns in advance or even if they plan, it is often outdated. Good continuity is reflected through advance planning thereby paying attention to minute nuances so that when an emergency situation arises then there is no reason to panic. Most organisation lack this kind of detailed planning as they tend to concentrate only on Information Technology (IT) and carry out too much of business analysis. Planning and simplicity in BCM ensures acceptable service levels for key processes in the business. BCM involves preplanning and coming up with alternative solutions. BCM is essential for the long term survival of the business (Hotchkiss, 2010). What is BCM? In the words of Shaw and Harrold, business crisis and continuity management can be defined as â€Å"the business management practices that provide the focus and guidance for the decisions and actions necessary for a business to prevent, prepare for, respond to, resume, recover, restore and transition from a disruptive (crisis) event in a manner consistent with its strategic objectives† (Shaw, n.d.). BCM entails maintaining and developing a total plan for business continuity which ensures the business’ survival in case any disruption occurs. BCM involves development of plans based on the analysis of business impact, plan execution and regularly updating the plan to discover new risks, threats and business situations (Hotchkiss, 2010). BCM involves evaluating and understanding the risks faced by the company, assessing the impact of an unexpected situation on the organisation and accordingly making decisions regarding the extent to which the organisation should prepare for an unforeseen crisis situation (Matthys, 2010). Critical Appraisal of Drivers of BCM Every organisation in today’s world needs to bring about strategic changes in response to the changes occurring in their economic environment. These changed are driven by various regulations namely government regulations and compliancy regulations.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Chaplins Silent Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chaplins Silent Movies - Essay Example The cinema industry has developed from silent movie to the higher level audio projection noticed in the modern movie industry. Characters have manipulated this provision to accord the movie production an identity that is projected to the society. Famous actors and performers have been associated with the existing technological development found within a given movie setting. Charlie Chaplin had been identified with the comedy genre and his performance on the silent movie theme accorded the production an identity. He had managed to revolutionize the technology evident during his time to develop movies that attracted audience based on the performance (Milton 1996, p86). The result meant that the audience was capable of identifying his movies with a similar theme from the actor. Chaplin presented multiple talents in not only producing the comedy theme during the silent movie period, but also served as an outstanding actor. Chaplin managed to revolutionize the silent film era through pres enting a unique style in the completion of his film creation.Chaplin movies had made him popular at the time when sound had been the absent entity within the development of film production. Chaplin had been remarkable and created an identity among the audience to relate to a style that had not been developed by other actors. Without sound, comedy had been the most difficult entity to achieve, but Chaplin managed to create a style that applied visual effects to present humor. The most noticed provision applied in his style was in the image he had created of himself. The stage presentation was unique to be familiar among his fans. He humored audiences with the antics he had created with the package of a bowler hat and the combination of a baggy trouser. Chaplin also developed an outstanding moustache with an expressive cane, mostly applying visual humor to move the fans. The development that Chaplin presented to the film had included positive reforms and application of creativity to r elay a massage. His style had been influenced with the ability to communicate with the audience without speech application. Chaplin had initially been a musician and had developed his acting career based on the desire to revolutionize his lifestyle. Under Mack Sennet, Chaplin developed his acting career to become a successful comedian while making short films. By 1920, he had managed to progress into developing films that held more content and time to deliver prosperity in his career. With his talent, Chaplin had founded the United Artists to produce affordable films completing the details personally with his talent. He had been a producer, writer and an actor who sought inspiration from the former comedian Max Linder who had applied a similar style. He managed to successfully incorporate the style within his movie creation to personalize the theme and accord an identity form that had appealed to his audience. Chaplin had created his films based on presented this and experience acco rded from childhood experiences. Chaplin had grown up in poverty from an irresponsible father and a mentally challenged mother. These conditions had limited his progress with the threat posed on the success towards societal development. He had ventured into the film creation industry with the motive of delivering success in his personal lifestyle. Moreover, Chaplin had been a performer, and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Violence in Prisons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violence in Prisons - Research Paper Example Their situation is made worse by the fact that they are placed in confined environments in their hundreds while the manpower to watch over them is hugely outnumbered. Within the inmate population there is therefore high prevalence of violence incidences. Inmates also experience violence from the guards and vice versa. Prison violence therefore is not a surprising phenomenon not only in the United States but also in the rest of the world. This paper shall therefore elaborate on the different types of prison violence, reasons for this violence and the various solutions to solving prison violence menace. Byrne et al. (2008) state that prison violence comes in various forms namely violence of a prisoner towards another prisoner, prisoner violence on officers and officers violating prisoners. Prisoners in the United States have for a long time developed a gang rule culture which is attributed to be the biggest cause of prisoner violence on a fellow prisoner. Gangs have been seen have a form of territorial control in prisons where members of gangs have better access to facilities and inherent protection rights from gang members. These gangs recruit people to join them where there are rituals while joining which are not necessarily as rosy considering the privileges that accompany their membership in the harsh prison environment. Incidences of sexual harassment and rape have been reported as quite common during recruitment (Jones and Pratt, 2008). It also important to note that in a single prison there can be a number of gangs which obviously compete for the available privileges and res ources, for example the cells to occupy and the kind of chores to engage in. This competition breeds violent acts towards members of other gang members. This escalates the prevalence of prisoner to prisoner violence. In cases of extreme violent conducts prisoners even murder

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marketing analysis of texas instruments inc

Marketing analysis of texas instruments inc The company was founded in 1930 and adopted the name of Texas Instrument Incorporated in 1951. It entered the market of semiconductor in 1954 and was the first company to go global. Texas Instrument (TI) is famous for inventing the integrated circuit in 1958, thanks to Jack Killby who won the Physic Nobel Prize in 2000, and the handheld calculator in 1967. TI has always been among the Top 10 of the semiconductor sales leaders. In 2010, TI had revenue of 13.97 billions of dollars (see table below): TI has a 1.20 billion of dollars capital expenditures and cumulates worldwide about 38,000 patents. The company got a global presence in manufacturing, design or sales operations in 30 countries, which represents more than 80,000 customers worldwide for about 28,400 employees. The headquarters are based in Dallas, Texas in the United States. Rich Templeton is the chairman, President and CEO of Texas Instruments. The main products of the company are Semiconductors (Amplifiers Linear, Audio, Automotive, Clocks Timers, Data Converters, Interface, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Processors), DLPÂ ® TV, Projectors, Cinema and Calculators Education Technology. TI has always been among the Top 10 of the semiconductor sales leaders. In 2010 TI is ranking 4 behind Intel Corporation, Samsung Electronics and Toshiba Semiconductors. Its other main competitors are Microchip Technology, Cypress Semiconductor, Integrated Device Technology and Xilinx. TI has the largest market share (14%) in the semiconductor industry which has an estimated market of 37 billions of dollar according to latest reports from Gartner. (See table below). This report will represent the main marketing activities of Texas Instruments Incorporated. The report has three parts: firstly, the organisations orientation, secondly, the audit (external and internal) of the organization and thirdly, the impact of the organisations marketing mix (positive and negative). TI orientation CONCEPT (Rajshekhar Raj 2006) To reach the goals of TI orientation, it has to be a relationship between the customer relationship management and the international service marketing research like it shows in the figure above. In order to make profits and increase the market share of a company, organisations have to develop marketing strategies. The idea is to reach the customer by meeting his needs and expectations. By understanding the market (surveys and researches), the company can make marketing decisions and implement a long term relationship strategies. Kotler said Todays successful companies have one thing in common: their success comes from a strong customer focus and heavy commitment to marketing. ( 2005) The modern marketing concept can be expressed as: The achievement of corporate goals through meeting and exceeding customer needs and expectations better than the competition.(Jobber. 2010:4) Marketing Concept The meeting of customer needs better than the expectations and the competition Integrated effort All staff accepts the responsibility for creating customer satisfaction Goal achievement The belief that corporate goals can be achieved through customer satisfaction Customer Orientation Corporate activities are focused On providing customer satisfaction (Jobber: 2010:4) All companies, and so on Texas Instruments that interest us, have the choice between 4 main marketing orientations: Product orientation Products that have good innovative characteristics and also the best quality that might match the customers needs and their satisfactions criteria; this is considered as an investment for the business in order to continue their sales strategies. ( Sales orientation The Company constructs a large-scale of selling, promotion, and advertising without any concerns about customer satisfaction. ( Production orientation To focus on minimized production cost in order to attract more customers, to attain economies of scales by having a limited range of products. (Jobber.2010:4); the company takes into account the competitions and market segments to focus on the cost of the product and its production range. (Jobber: 2010:5) Production capabilities: Focus of the production orientation. Manufacture product: the production line or cycle from the suppliers to the customer. Aggressive sales effort: Effort to sell and develop the marketing of the products. Customers: Customers who are demanding the products. Marketing orientation The Company must stay close to their customer and understand their need and problems. (Jobber. 2010:5) Figure 6: Marketing Orientation (Jobber 2010:5) This figure shows the approach to follow to reach the customers by understanding the potential market opportunities and the marketing products and services and by responding to the demanded requirements. (Jobber 2010:5-6) TI ORIENTATION THE COMPETITVE ADVANTAGE OF TI According to Michael Porter, the Competitive Advantage grows out of value a firm is able to create for their buyer that is exceeds the firms cost of creating it. Value is what buyer are willing to pay, and superior value stems from offering lower prices than competitor for equivalent benefit or providing unique benefits that more than offset a higher price. There are two basics type of competitive advantage: cost leadership and differentiation. (Porter, M. 1985:3) With other words, the competitive advantage can be achieved by creating a differential advantage or achieving the lower cost position (Johnson, 8th edition, 2009). There are two different competitive strategies to have an advantage on the competitors: the differentiation of the product and the cost of the product. The main analysis of competitive advantage is the Generic Strategy of Porter. The company has a relative position within an industry is given by its choice of competitive advantage: Cost Leadership versus Differentiation and its choice of competitive scope: firm targets broad industry segment or focuses on a narrow segment. (Jobber, 2010:714) The business makes a choice about the type and scope of its competitive advantages. (Porter, 1985, 12) We need now to take care of the external analysis and the internal analysis of TI marketing activities that will help TI to develop their own strategies. The internal view is based on industry structure and more precisely on decision of the Business. The (external) analysis of competitor is crucial to create a successful marketing strategy. (Porter, 1985) Audit of TI 1) PESTEL analysis When contemplated for the audit of Texas Instruments Inc., it is very much cognizance to utilize the PESTEL analysis for showcasing the frame work of macro-environmental factors. Texas instruments Incorporated are prominent in designing, manufacturing and selling of semi-conductors. It has four main segments involved that include Analog, Embedded Processing, Wireless and Other in which Analog and Embedded Processing is considered being the protuberant of primary growth eventually focusing its resources on the two segments. Political factors Initially excogitating the Political factors that lays high stake on the company takes to intervenes i.e.., its degree of intervene, effects of the interpose on the political stability of the company. In 2005, while positioning the portfolios, it has been judged that by the end of this decade, Texas Instruments Inc. will have an increase in the earning potential. Considering this, it has been noted that TXN has long term earning power and clearly witnessed at the present stage. (S.Parker2005: 01, Zipper.1992) Economic factors It is difficult to delineate dimensions and duration of the semi-conductor cycle. Earlier it was considered that if the situation strikingly disintegrates, or if the economy weakens, TXN is likely to outperform its rival and competitor, Intel. As contrary in direction, if the condition continues to improve, it will be highly difficult to judge the future performance of the company with respect to its benchmarked market position. (The Associated Guide.2011) In the earlier stages, TXN was pertained to the anticipation of cellular handset sales, especially from its then leading customer, Nokia. Due to some negative flow of news, the handsets where likely to under-perform during a short term (S.Parker.2005). Notable past event that accounts to the overall economic status of TXN: In order to justify the fact that TXN tried to cut short its dull portfolios and concentrate more on the growing markets with its RD, contemplating the earlier activities of TXN such as terminating a decades-long striving effort and endurance to survive in the computer line market, Texas instruments sold its business computer line to its then competitor, Hewlett-Packard. The above table and grapgh illustrates the distribution of revenue among TXNs four main segements As mentioned earlier, TXN focusses its resources mainly on Analog and Embedded Processing.The financial consequences of deficient or excess inventory levels in Texas Instruments Inc. i.e., the demand which varies with the past visualizations constitue to the economic factors that held stake over the company. Another issue added to it was the prejudice of Tis non-financial assests. Social factors Whilst sorting out the various factors that affects or holds stakes towards the company, social factors which includes cultural aspects, distribution ratios, change in social trends that has its own effects on the company, etc., are also considered to be imporatant as analysing these will help the company gain better knowledge over the industrial needs and the consumers perspective towards the company. Texas Instruments Incorporation has three main objectives towards increasing its revenue with respect to social factors. First objective being the growing of revenue at a much faster rate than that of the current market. The second being the growing of earnings per share at a higher pace that the obtained and obtaining revenue. The third main general objective towards its financial terms being the efficient usage of the captital. The countries where Tis suppliers and customers are located or operated has an varrying constituting level based on the social conditions of the countries which includes health conditions, security risks, varrying trasnportation facilities, fluctuation in the exchange rates of different currencies (Kurtz, Mac Kenzie, Snow209: 2011) The Corporate Responsibility magazine has announced Texas Instruments Inc. as one among the top corporate citizens for the ninth time with respect to the human rights, employee relations, governance, philanthrophy, environment, climatic changes and financial weightings ( 2011) Ti(India) is the first multinational company setting its one of the largest RD centres for the first time time outside the USA. ( c.2011) Technological factors Analysing the various factors influencing Ti, it becomes apparent that Ti focusses heavily on RD as it helps Ti to navigate through the competettive market. Innovation in technology plays a major role in making its products markettable. To levitate its products, one of the latest innovation was usage of Power Line Communication(PLC) which offers a cost effective mode of communication media for a broader magnitutde of applications. The above figure depicts that Texas Instruments( Ti) developers can optimize their applications based on their need and can modify to the new standards, (Olivier Monnier2010: 2) TI Delivers Flexible Power Line Communications Solutions The main components for its current top positioning appear to be flexible but Ti follows varying procedures to survive. One such is the procedure of periodically implementing new manufacturing technologies, equipments, testing methods and even with the subcontract services (Scarisbrick: 1996). The company along with its competitors strives with the best possible innovative products. However it is advisable for Ti to reduce its level of inventory except for the range of Analog (S.Parker2005: 15). Bringing out innovative products alone does not state a company in the top ranking list. Considering this, Ti also concentrates on the product life cycle developments. As it is well known that Ti does not concentrates much on the end users, it is important to get regular feedbacks regarding the product life cycle and its reliability. It arranges separate programs to carry on with these processes. ( c. 2011, c. 2010) Environmental factors Whilst analysing the environmental factors of Texas Instruments Incorporation, at present it is highly importunate to follow up the recent tragedy that happened in Japan causing a substantial loss of lives and materials including the manufacturing site of TXN bases on the cities of Miho and Aizu-wakamatsuthat, Japan. From the reports of the company, it is clear that TXN will reinstate its manufacturing site, initiating with many different line in the unit. TXN has set up alternate manufacturing sites for about 60% of the wafer production from the Miho plant. Some of the substantial damage at the Miho due to the earthquake: The delivery channels which includes its infrastructure systems were damaged but resetting those damages are in progress and expected to be over in a few weeks of time. The seems to be an unclear state in the manufacturing equipments due to the highly interepted power supply. On an over view it has been clearly noted that the Miho building has a very obtuse damage apparently making the main struture to be certified usable. TXN keenly recognizes the following important factors that might cause discernible results that differ from the expectation of the company such as: The change or revolutionize the market environment of semi-conductors especially in the principal markets like consumer electronics and consumer. At the present stage, the improvement in technology environment in the present stage has made Texas Instruments Inc. raise its ability to develop, manufacture and market its products. Considering the sour fact that the marketing strategies of Texas Instruments are considered to be unsatisfactory when compared with its counter parts, TXN competed in the highly competitive market with its innovative product and challenging prices (L.Shanklin1998: 10). Natural happenstances like drastic weather changes, floods, earthquakes and other calamities constitute to the environmental factors are overcome by the companys pre-stated strategies. Taking into account for the usage of eco-friendly products, Ti moves towards lead free products ( c. 2011, c. 2010). Legal factors For any multinational Plc, it is very much certain that there are many awaiting varying legal factors in different countries in which the other units are located. Now this becomes apparent for TXN to face such legal issues which might have greater effects on the company ( c. 2010). Legal factors recognized by TXN as major issues for the company: The license agreements between Ti and its stake holders tend to be different in different countries. The expiry of patent licenses and agreement might lead the other companies to capitalize over TXN, which follows by the risk of any apertures in the agreements due to the countrys laws. The changes in tax that are brought about by governments of various countries, the change in jurisdictions could cause outcomes such as instability in the tax audits. The product liability and warrantee differs from place to place depending upon the law prevalent. 2) SWOT Analysis Strengths: Obviously, Texas Instruments has been considered as pioneer and the leader in technology and innovations of semiconductor products ranging from defence, metallurgical and digital products. Its reputation and track record as an institution build TIs credibility and integrity in the market. The existing manpower and connoisseurship of the company and its technology used will always provide TI the leverage to significantly cut the production costs without compromising the quality of their products. The strategic global locations of the TIs expanded operations in North America, Asia and in Europe, paved the way for TI to widen its reach in the industry. The expanded operation in some parts of the world strengthens the brand recognition of TI being well known for its product innovation and diversification. TI is also aware of social and environment issues by continuous improvement on production safety improvement, community involvement and sustainability as it has been being awarded from The Worlds Most Ethical Companies Ranking since 2007 (Eethisphere 2011). All of these factors can be valuable resources to advance TIs market presence and increase its share in the industry. Weaknesses: Texas Instruments being a leader and one of Americas pioneers in electronic industry was far more focused on product development, innovation and diversification to the extent that it overlooked the marketing side of the business. Its concentration is on the technological development created the loophole of lacking the skilled and strategic marketing power of the company. This has been evidenced by the fact that the entire marketing arm of the company is heavily reliant on its distributors. Its dependency on the distributors weakens the companys capacity to saturate the market despite its prominent brands and quality products sold. Opportunities: The recent changes in market dynamics for electronics offered an opportunity for TI to evolve as an organization. This calls for the company to reorganise itself to cope with the demands in the changing market. This means that the existing organisational set up or structure has to be change to suit the existing market dynamics. It is therefore a chance for TI to grow and develop as an organisation at pace with time. Its recent innovations in the market also provided the platform for the company to establish an improved customer services. With the existing technologies and leadership in the industry, TI can afford to compete in the market through price matching and discount referral to its patrons. Also, its expertise and technological advancement being the trusted name in the industry can provide greater opportunity for TI to create product differentiation through intensive research and development schemes. This therefore changes the image of the companys products as commodities but rather can create an image as a technology and a brand. In this case, TI can therefore increase its market share through branding. Threats: The emergence of new competitors, introduction of global prising system that conforms the prices of distributors threatens the survival of Texas Instruments in the market. The emergence of new and innovative companies produces stiff competition in the market. TIs tendencies to lost share in the market are higher along with its loss of distributors who adopted global pricing system. TIs non-conformance to the latest trend of global pricing system threatens its business relationship with distributors who happened to be the companys backbone in and perhaps life blood in marketing. If it has to survive in the market, corresponding measures should be carried to address these existing threats. Alternatives/options: Based on the herein stated SWOT Analysis of TI there are options that needs to be considered in order for TI to survive in the market and increase its profitability. These alternatives are based on the principle of utilising its existing organisational strengths and opportunities to overcome its weakness and prevent the perceived and existing adverse effects of threats. The following alternatives are as follows: a. TI shall implement reorganisation/ restructuring This means that an organisational overhaul should be done. Its existing structure and set-up which was established to address the dynamics and development of the market several years back are no longer relevant or responsive to the existing market dynamics. Also, this allows TI to set up a new breed of leaders in the company who can understand and cope with the existing dynamics. Traditional knowledge in the industry should blend with the new trend of innovative market. It is very vital for TI to evolve as an organisation and operate according to the recent market developments. Its structure should be responsive to the prevailing market demands and procedural process. Once the organisational set up has been updated it is now ready to implement the succeeding changes in terms of marketing and financial strategies. b. Product Differentiation TI being a popular and well known for quality products in the market was the only advantage it has in the market. However, its technological advancement and continuing product innovation was not being utilised to differentiate its product from the normal commodities in the market. Thus, it is a best alternative for the company to emphasise its research and development capacities as an institution in the development of new and quality products. Thus, its research and development capacities and expertise as an organisation will be magnified in the market in order to create product differentiation of the TIs production. c. Direct Selling/Servicing to Small and Medium Businesses The untapped market segment of TI was the growing small and medium businesses. This happened due to TIs heavy reliance on distributors. It is one of the best marketing option that TI should engage direct business with the small and medium scale businesses in order to widen its scope and reach in the market. Though this sector is not so lucrative when it comes to profit but its number is continually growing and most of them are locally operating. Therefore, this will minimise reliance on distributors and will promote market survival. e. Competitive Pricing Consistent with the product differentiation strategy, it is not advisable for TI to conform the global pricing system. What is appropriate with its existing market status is to develop a competitive pricing system. Since its credibility and track has been well established and with the advancement of its technology used in production methods, it is certain that TI can produce quality product at a competitive price. Its expertise in the production side can be leverage for TI to reduce its operational and producti0n cost through mechanisation.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Abstinence is the Only Effective Method Essay -- Birth Control Pregnan

Abstinence is the Only Thing that can Work   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sex outside marriage is at best, wrong; at worst deadly. Today's children are basing their decisions about sex on moral and social values. The accepted moral code is pretty black and white - don't. Our society, however, has always been able to bend the rules to suit the current trend. Right now that trend is, "young people shouldn't have sex outside of marriage, but if they do, they should do it safely." Herein lies the problem: Because most adults grew up in the "sexual freedom" era of the 1960's they don't feel that they should have to give up that freedom. Therefore they would be hypocrites if they taught abstinence as the only effective way to stay safe. This attitude is reflected in the current sex education courses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The falacy of having 'safe sex' outside of marriage is just that: a fallacy. There is no such thing as 'safe sex.' Children have to realize the risk they are taking by engaging in sexual activity. They aren't just sleeping with one person, but with everyone that person has slept with. There is more at stake then pregnancy and AIDS, such as 100 other sexually transmitted diseases. Children feel that they are immune to the big issues and aren?t even being told about the diseases that can cause perminant damage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Teaching abstinance in schools is telling the children that the only 100% way to keep from getting pregnant and contracting sexual diseases is by not having sex, which is true. Why are e...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Show and Explain How and When to Seek Advice About Communication

Work 3: Introduction to communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1. Understand why communication is important in the work setting 1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate: People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others, to give and receive information or instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions, knowledge, feelings, emotions. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work: Communication at work gives cooperation. Effective communication is to understand service user and assist them in according to that. Nothing can be done properly without a complete communication. As a care worker, if I could not able to communicate with my service user because of communication barrier then the service would be unsuccessful. You have to communicate with your colleague to cooperate your work and make job to go smooth. 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them: Because from reaction or body language sometimes you can understand how they are feeling or reacting. It’s important to observe an individual’s reaction to make sure the information has been understood so that you know whether you need to adjust your communication methods. Also it is important so that you can recognise any communication barriers such as language difficulties, hearing difficulties, visual impairments any physical difficulties affecting your communication. 2. Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals. 2. Find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences: You need to make sure that you are able to communicate with the people in a different ways. People have a wide range of communication needs, which involve the consideration of many different factors such as: cultural background, language, self-confidence, physical ability. You need to understand and respect all differ ent wishes and preferences. You can learn them by asking, observing, reading notes and care plans, talking with other staff. 2. Demonstrate communication methods that meet an individual’s communication needs, wishes and preferences: You can use verbal and non-verbal methods to communicate. We are using eye-contact, body language, facial expressions or gesture to make conversation easier. We can use things such as hearing aids or glasses to help service user to understand you more clearly. 2.3 Show how and when to seek advice about communication You can ask advice to your college, Life care leader, manager, through policies and procedures, other external agencies, trainings. You can and need to ask advice when you have any difficulties to understand other service user because if you don’t understand him you can’t know what he wants and you can abuse him. 3. Be able to reduce barriers to communication. 3.1 Identify barriers to communication: There is many communication barriers like: different language, deafness, speech impairment, dementia, health issues, environmental problems, emotional distractions, lack of knowledge, to much noise or to dark. 3.2 Demonstrate how to reduce barriers to communication in different ways: If there is different languages you can ask translator help, in case of deafness you can use body language and gesture or eye-contact, facial expressions. If there is to much noise you can turn of sound source or go where is quiet. With emotional distraction you can try to sort the problem out or wait till person calms down. With speech impairment you can also use body language. 3.3 Demonstrate ways to check that communication has been understood: Observe reaction of service user. Active listening do their response make sense or do you need to ask questions to clarify. Sometimes when it’s appropriate, you may re-phrase what they've said and repeat it back to them. 3.4 Identify sources of information and support or services to enable more effective communication: You always can ask support of your managers, life care leaders, other staff. Also there is specialists services like translators, speech and language services or other people who is more qualified than you. 4. Be able to apply principles and practices relating to confidentiality at work 4.1 Explain the term ‘confidentiality’: Confidentiality means not sharing information about people without their knowledge and agreement, and ensuring that written and electronic information cannot be accessed or read by other people who have no reason to see it. 4.2 Demonstrate confidentiality in day to day communication, in line with agreed ways of working: In day to day communication you can keep confidentiality by not telling to another person things he don’t need to now or he can use for bad purpose. You can keep all written information safely locked in cabinets. Or you can use passwords on your important files in computer. To maintain confidentiality you might be asked to sing agreement as a part of your employment contract. 4.3 Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential might need to be passed on: You might need to pass on information if you are concerned about that person that he might be in danger. If abuse is suspected, or somebody is talking about suicide. 4.4 Explain how and when to seek advice about confidentiality: You can ask advice to your managers, senior staff, through policies and procedures, you can get information in trainings, also you can check information in the internet or books. You need to ask advice is if you don’t know what to do or you are concerned about your decision. www. scribd. com http://www. pearsonschoolsandfecolleges. co. uk http://www. studymode. com http://www. google. co. uk

Friday, November 8, 2019

Themes Of Full Metal Jacket essays

Themes Of Full Metal Jacket essays Film Review: Full Metal Jacket -Warner Bros. 1987 Based on the novel by Gustav Hasford The hardships of boot camp and the vigour of the battlefield, "Full Metal Jacket" follows one man through basic training and into the jungles of Vietnam to fight a war against the very people that they must also protect. The title is part of the technical description of a bullet, underlining the films focus on dehumanisation. "Full Metal Jacket" opens on a group of military trainees who've either volunteered or been drafted into serving in the United States Army. There we meet a parade of characters that range from an anti-establishment rebel, Private 'Joker' (Matthew Modine), and an overweight slob, Private 'Gomer' (Vincent D'Onofrio), to a wisecracking adrenaline junkie, Private 'Cowboy' (Arliss Howard). This part of the film is breakdown of personalities and shows the indoctrination in the ideology of the US Marine Corps. This shows to be a brutal and depressing experience inflicted by the sadistic drill sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman (Lee Ermey), who was a real drill sergeant for the Marine Corps, drafted in by Kubrick. This gives the visual experience a real sense of fear and tension. One recruit is not suited psychologically or physically for the rigorous Marine training and is driven crazy. Here, Stanley Kubrick is outlining and attacking the pointlessness and the dehumanisation of military discipline. Kubrick, who has a great reputation for authenticity, claimed that there was no distortion of the truth in what he showed, and that even the abominable bad language was genuine, much of it ad-libbed by Ermey himself. Two scenes were eliminated which would have made the drill instructor a monster: one where he nearly drowns Pyle in a bowl of urine, and one where he orders a recruit who has cut his wrists to clean up the mess hes made before reporting to the doctor. Instead, due in no small part to Lee Ermeys mesme ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Using Social Media To Promote Your Business Example

Using Social Media To Promote Your Business Example Using Social Media To Promote Your Business – Article Example Social Media Marketing Using social media sites as steady sources of traffic to the online businesses is a widely popularizing marketing strategy. Compared to the conventional advertising and promotional methods the social media marketing is cheap and effective. The effectiveness of this marketing strategy in empirical application however depends on the type of business and its compatibility to the new web based model (Lake, 2013). Popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn adopt educative videos and guidelines specially designed for the business communities. Integrating of business community with the social media network is a mutually beneficial marketing strategy.On line retailers such as and eBay display business advertisements on social media sites which have similar content example: display Halloween offers on blogs that are describing Halloween festival. Thus the probability of advertisement being viewed by potentia l buyers is higher compared to advertising in conventional media such as Tv, Radio and magazines. Similarly there are blogs which assimilate customer reviews and ratings on product brands example: laptops, mobiles, exercise equipments etc. These blogs are marketing channels which effectively connect business communities and end consumers. Facebook fan pages, Youtube channels, Google groups and LinkedIn profiles are increasingly popularizing in contemporary Social Media Marketing. These websites have vastly decreased the proximity between the business community and consumers by enabling them to live chat, upload of photos, videos, description and customer feedbacks. ReferencesLake, Laura. â€Å"Understanding the Role of Social Media in Marketing.† â€Å" Guide.† N.p. n.d. Web. 15 February 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2019

E-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-Commerce - Essay Example "E-commerce" essay overviews a news small business methodology, which addresses the demands of opportunity individuals, individuals, and organizations via using online. E-commerce enables the opportunity to be carried out electronically through the use of pcs. This has minimal the need for physical currency inside of the conduct of organization. E-commerce is perpetually progressing and it's changing into additional considerable to organizations aided by the enhancement of technology. Through the inception of e-commerce as well as online, prospects have improved for both people and establishments. This has manufactured a good deal more possibilities for earnings and company progress, whereas designing way more programs for the clients. E-commerce has its limitations, that may be averted by way of moral online business tactics and reasonable decision-making. There will be numerous components that buy essays online must be thought of as before beginning an e-commerce internet business sooner or later, just like really good promoting approaches. Like systems may aid corporations to prosper and turned into successful in an e-commerce setting.Customers know about goods and services sitting at home. The manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and services providers let the consumers know about their products quality. This essay includes: Title, Navigation, Main Article, References, Tables. With this educational masterpiece, you can have no worries about your academic progress and marks. Don't mess up and finally get your highest A!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Time value of money for Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Time value of money for Starbucks - Essay Example There is some uncertainty as it relates to the repayment date. The interest rate could be higher and lower than it is currently. I would also take into consideration the risk involved in buying the bond as well as the opportunity cost involved. Starbucks is currently in financial difficulty and so there is a possibility that I may not receive the payment in a year’s time but at a later date. I would therefore require an interest rate which is higher than normal because of the additional risk involved with buying bonds in Starbucks instead of another bond or in an alternative investment. To account for the additional risk I would actually add a risk premium which would account for the uncertainty involved in investing in Starbucks. Discount Rate for Starbuck Bonds According to Brigham and Ehrhardt (2005) finding present values is known as discounting. The discount rate that would be used to calculate the amount to be paid would be dependent on the going interest rate on similar bonds. For example, if the current going interest rate is 8% and I expect it to increase to 9% in a year time then I would require a return of 9% on my investment. In this case I would need an additional 3% in order to cover the additional risk involved. Therefore the interest rate expected would increase to 12% (9% + 3%).